Industrial Safety Solutions Inc.

Contact Us
Business fire and safety training is necessary for companies of every size, to participate in creating and maintaining a safer work environment.  The Occupational Safety and Health  Administration  (OSHA) , requires all businesses to provide a safe and healthy workplace, and recommends training for all employees. Training not only imparts knowledge and awareness of hazards; it also empowers workers  in their environment.

M-F  9am-5pm
Sat    11am-4pm
Sun   Closed
What we do....

-Evaluating Training Needs

-Fire Safety Training

-Looking Beyond the Obvious

-Who Gets Trained?
Customer Feedback
(Case Herndon, City Mgr)
"The training we received from ISS, was invaluable and may have saved lives"

Jackie Gilmore /CMFD- CEO
Web Design Slim Graphics 704-941-0802